Monday, May 7, 2012

Finally Published #3

I'm a slacker with my writing and my blog.  The third episode is finally done and published, though, and I'm excited about that.  I'm already hard at work on the fourth episode.  There aren't enough ways for me to market this series...  I keep hoping something will magically help me out, but I might be publishing on and not getting sales for a while.  Once I open my store, though, I'll be able to sell the series in-store to customers.  Maybe that'll get things going!

I've gotten some great reviews on the first episode, which is really encouraging.  I know the stories are good and enjoyable.  I think I need to find the right person to say they like the series and then it'll take off.  Like, Ellen, or someone, lol.

Nose to the grindstone.  Being a self-published author is a lot of work.  And that's the only way I'll get this series published, so I just have to accept it.